CIRIEC Nº 64 April 2009

Local development and entrepreneurship of Social Economy

La participación financiera de los trabajadores en las empresas. Diferencias económicas de las empresas clasificadas según la estructura de la propiedad del capital

Authors: Josefina Fernández Guadaño

Keywords: Participación financiera, estructura de la propiedad del capital, Rentabilidad Económica, Rentabilidad Financiera, Productividad, Empresas de trabajo asociado.

Econlit Keywords: L290, J540, P000.

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Financial participation in companies by their workers has become a key objective of European policies. However, the European Union does not provide specific regulations for companies in which the majority of the share capital is provided by the workers. The aim of this paper is therefore to analyse the main economic differences between companies that are predominantly worker owned as opposed to those which are not. Since both types of companies operate within a framework of legally regulated structures in Spain (labour-owned firms and limited liability companies), we propose worker-owned firms as a reference model on the basis of the results achieved.

Emprendimiento de la economía social y desarrollo local: la promoción de incubadoras de empresas de economía social en Andalucía

Authors: Jaime de Pablo Valenciano y Juan Uribe Toril

Keywords: Escuela de empresa, territorio, Andalucía, emprendedores, desarrollo local.

Econlit Keywords: R300, R580, L300.

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The aim of this paper is to present the programme of business schools in Andalusia from their creation to the present. We will also present an empirical study of the programme, taking 106 companies as a sample. Studying Business Schools helps us to analyse the phenomenon of business incubation from a territorial point of view and to state that the incubation period is decisive in the formation of certain companies that would not otherwise have become established, thus directly and indirectly generating employment. It can be seen that there is a greater degree of recognition in the market of companies that are hosted compared to those that are not.

Deuda, desarrollo local y economía social

Authors: Silvina Lais Puzino

Keywords: Deuda externa, Desarrollo local, Canjes, Cooperación internacional, Subdesarrollo, ONG.

Econlit Keywords: F340, F350, H750, I380, L310, O190.

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We analyse ways in which it is possible to promote the Social Economy or its organisations (cooperatives, credit banks, non-governmental and non-profit organisations, foundations and friendly societies) in South American countries with large debts by implementing foreign Debt Swaps for Local Development or the Environment, associated with a participative role of Civil Society -local and international- within the framework of Cooperation for development. There tends to be limited impetus from the state in these countries, with frequent restrictions on the democratic and participative activities of the Third Sector and cooperatives. This is due to the financial and political crises they have undergone, as well as structural changes and privatisations established by entirely capitalist authorities.

Las redes de cooperación de microempresas en España y la utilización de las TIC´s

Authors: Sonia Benito Hernández

Keywords: Redes de cooperación, microempresa, desarrollo, tecnologías de la comunicación y la información, Internet.

Econlit Keywords: M100, L140, N800, O300, L260.

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This paper studies the characteristics that define microenterprise cooperation networks in Spain and their use of information and communication technologies. The article also aims to compare the results with those obtained by microenterprises that do not belong to a network and the results obtained by other statistical sources in order to try and prove that cooperation through networks of companies with fewer than ten employees may be the key to facilitating any innovative/entrepreneurial process and may help to improve competitiveness through the technological development of microenterprise in the market, thus promoting the economic development of the territory where they are located by generating added value and creating jobs.

La formación del capital humano como elemento de desarrollo de las cooperativas. Análisis de las necesidades formativas en las sociedades cooperativas mediante procesos de auditoría sociolaboral

Authors: Antonio Manuel Ciruela Lorenzo

Keywords: Recursos Humanos, Auditoria Sociolaboral, Necesidades formativas, Planificación de la formación, Sociedad Cooperativa.

Econlit Keywords: Q130, M530, M540, O150.

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Human resources management is a key element in the development of a company. The definition of a strategic vision is truly necessary in order to improve the competitiveness and quality of entrepreneurial processes (Valle and Aragón, 2004). In this regard, training policies and activities are essential instruments insofar as they mould the personality of individuals and develop their skills (Andrés, 2005). This statement is even more relevant to cooperative enterprises, where people play an important role. In fact, their goals are established on the basis of the particular needs and circumstances of their members (Divar and Gadea, 2007). In this paper we deal with certain considerations regarding the importance of human resources development. We also propose a new method for identifying and analysing training requirements within a global Social Audit process. It involves designing a training plan to increase the efficiency of economic and social processes in cooperative enterprises.

Desempeño en empresas de economía social. Un modelo para su medición

Authors: Isidre March Chordà y Rosa María Yagüe Perales

Keywords: Desempeño, cooperativas, industria, rentabilidad.

Econlit Keywords: L600, M203, L100.

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The aim of this study is to establish whether the community of social economy enterprises displays a particular performance pattern that differs from other companies. Should that be the case, we shall identify the performance variables for which these companies show a statistically significant difference in behaviour. We have therefore drawn up a model for measuring business competitiveness, consisting of a total of 13 variables. This model is applied to a database with economic/financial information from over 200 social economy enterprises and more than 13,000 conventional companies in 6 manufacturing sectors. The results confirm the existence of a “general social economy enterprise” effect, but not a “sector-specific social economy enterprise effect”.

Imagen y arraigo de las fundaciones en la sociedad actual. Problemáticas y oportunidades de futuro para el sector

Authors: Luis Ignacio Álvarez González y María José Sanzo Pérez

Keywords: Fundaciones, economía social, imagen externa, arraigo social.

Econlit Keywords: D640, D710, L300, L310, M390.

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The aim of this article is to describe the image and social roots of foundations in the Region of Asturias, establishing their main problems and future opportunities. Firstly, we present foundations as social economy agents. We then consider the factors that influence the image and roots of foundations. Finally, we present the methodology and results of a qualitative study conducted in a sample of organisations and agents involved in the foundation sector in question. This study shows how the image and roots of foundations are conditioned by the following issues: lack of knowledge, confusion and distrust of foundations, fast growth of the foundation sector in recent years, ethical and transparent behaviour and efficient management of communication tools by these organisations.

¿Castiga el Consejo Rector los malos resultados económicos?

Authors: Alvaro Ispizua

Keywords: Cooperativas, control interno, Consejo Rector, Consejo de Administración, rotación de directores.

Econlit Keywords: L290

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A cooperative enterprise is characterised by certain features that influence its power structure, incentive system and participation in the organisation’s management. The Governing Body of cooperatives plays a key role in monitoring their management, having the power to replace directors who achieve poor results. Takeovers by acquisition of shares, which are possible in capitalist companies, are not possible in cooperative enterprises and therefore any changes to the management are the result of internal monitoring processes rather than external takeovers. According to data from earlier studies, the turnover of top management is negatively related to the company’s performance in previous years. In this paper we present an empirical study of the relationship between economic results from previous years and the dismissal of managers in cooperative enterprises.