CIRIEC Nº 87 August 2016

ISBN: 978-84-944774-2-3

Social Responsability, Public Administration and Good Governance

'Social Responsability, Public Administration and Good Governance'. Introduction

Authors: Francisco Salinas Ramos, María Peana Chivite Cebolla & Noelia Muñoz del Nogal

Public social responsability as a key element in employment policy

Authors: María Rosa Vallecillo Gámez & Juan Jesús Gutiérrez González

Keywords: Employment policies, social responsability, social clauses, public administration.

Econlit Keywords: J45, J78, L30, L38, M54.

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VALLECILLO, M.R. & GUTIÉRREZ, J.J. (2016): “Public social responsability as a key element in employment policy”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 11-38.

Why do cooperatives assure their CSR reports? An analysis of the motivations and benefits in a big retail cooperative

Authors: Elies Seguí-Mas, Helena María Bollas-Araya and Paula Asensi Peiró

Keywords: CSR, Sustainability, Assurance, Cooperatives.

Econlit Keywords: L81, M14, M40, P13, Q56.

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CSR reporting is increasing worldwide and cooperatives are highly susceptible to it. However, there is an interesting research gap in CSR reporting and assurance in cooperatives. Through an in-depth case study, we investigated motivations, benefits and singularities to adopt assurance practices in one of the biggest cooperatives in the Spanish retail sector, which is listed among the world’s top 300 cooperatives. Our results showed that the cooperative ideology and values (transparency, trust) were the main motivation to assure a CSR report in a company. This study underlines the improvement of stakeholders’ engagement and greater reliability among stakeholders as benefits of these policies. Finally, the relevant barriers to assure a CSR report are difficulties that stakeholders have understanding it and its cost.

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SEGUÍ-MAS, E., BOLLAS-ARAYA, H.M. & ASENSI PEIRÓ, P. (2016): “Why do cooperatives assure their CSR reports? An analysis of the motivations and benefits in a big retail cooperative”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 39-68.

The development of Social Responsibility GRI reports by Spanish public and mixed water supply and sanitation entities

Authors: Vicente Antonio Pérez Chamorro, Juan García Álvarez de Perea & María Araceli Casasola Balsells

Keywords: Social Responsibility, Global Reporting Initiative reports, public enterprises, water supply and sanitation sector, content analysis.

Econlit Keywords: H44, M14, Q38, Q25.

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PÉREZ, V.A., GARCÍA, J. & CASASOLA, M.A. (2016): “The development of Social Responsibility GRI reports by Spanish public and mixed water supply and sanitation entities”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 69-101.

Proposal for University Social Responsibility indicators according to GRI G4 guidelines: the case of the University of Cordoba (Spain)

Authors: Clara Guijarro Jiménez, Antonio Gomera Martínez & Miguel Antúnez López

Keywords: Indicator, Global Reporting Initiative, Social Responsability, University, Sustainability.

Econlit Keywords: D83, I23, M14.

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GUIJARRO, C., GOMERA, A. & ANTÚNEZ, M. (2016): “Proposal for University Social Responsibility indicators according to GRI G4 guidelines: the case of the University of Cordoba (Spain)”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 103-137.

Possibilities of cooperativism in a new public social and health services model and its implementation in the Basque Country

Authors: Santiago Merino

Keywords: Public services, public administration, health and social services, social economy, cooperativism, health cooperatives.

Econlit Keywords: J54, J58, L30, L33, P13.

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MERINO, S. (2016): “Possibilities of cooperativism in a new public social and health services model and its implementation in the Basque Country”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 139-176.

Limits on social clauses in public procurement from the perspective of antitrust law

Authors: María José Vañó Vañó

Keywords: Public Procurement, Social Clauses, Antitrust, Public policies.

Econlit Keywords: K21, K20, J58, K12, K23, H57.

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VAÑÓ, M.J. (2016): “Limits on social clauses in public procurement from the perspective of antitrust law”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 177-202.

Collaboration between municipalities and Social Economy following the amendment of the local regime: a competential perspective

Authors: Salvador Montesinos Oltra

Keywords: Social economy, social business, municipalities, municipal competencies, budgetary estability.

Econlit Keywords: L31, H20, H70, H72, H60, K39.

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MONTESINOS OLTRA, S. (2016): “Collaboration between municipalities and Social Economy following the amendment of the local regime: a competential perspective”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 203-233.

Ibero-America, Future City. Sustainable Cities and Environment

Authors: Mara Sánchez Llorens

Keywords: Sustainability, Participatory Urban Design, Historical Present, Recycling, Reversibility, Water Basins.

Econlit Keywords: D74, N96, O21, Q25, R58.

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SÁNCHEZ LLORENS, M. (2016): “Iberoamérica, Ciudad Futura. Ciudades sostenibles y medioambiente”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 235-256.

The economy for the common good and the social and solidarity economies, are they complementary?

Authors: Verónica Gómez Calvo & Rosario Gómez-Álvarez Díaz

Keywords: Common good, social economy, solidarity economy, democracy, values, relational goods.

Econlit Keywords: A13, P1, P52, P59.

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GÓMEZ, V. & GÓMEZ-ÁLVAREZ, R. (2016): “The economy for the common good and the social and solidarity economies, are they complementary?”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 257-294.

Transparencia y reputación como actitud y forma de ser de la empresa

Authors: Juan José Barrera Cerezal

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BARRERA CEREZAL, J.J. (2016): “Transparencia y reputación como actitud y forma de ser de la empresa”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 327-350.

Identification and analysis of the basic identity characteristics of European social enterprise: Application to the reality of Sheltered Employment Centers of the Spanish economy

Authors: José Luis Monzón-Campos & Mercedes Herrero-Montagud

Keywords: Social Economy, social enterprise, identity characteristics, Sheltered Employment Centers.

Econlit Keywords: A13, J14, M29.

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MONZÓN-CAMPOS, J.L. & HERRERO-MONTAGUD, M. (2016): “Identification and analysis of the basic identity characteristics of European social enterprise: Application to the reality of Sheltered Employment Centers of the Spanish economy”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 87, 295-326.