CIRIEC Nº 88 December 2016

Use and efficiency of social media. An analysis from the social economy

Authors: Domingo Fernández Uclés, Adoración Mozas Moral, Enrique Bernal Jurado & Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel

Keywords: Social media, olive oil entities, organic products, Social Economy, DEA.

Econlit Keywords: L10, O13, O32, Q13.

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FERNÁNDEZ, D., MOZAS, A., BERNAL, E. & MEDINA, M.J. (2016): “Use and efficiency of social media. An analysis from the social economy”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 5-27.

Social Economy and disability. Enablers and obstacles in the integration of workers with disabilities in the Social Economy entities

Authors: Rosa Santero Sánchez, Belén Castro Núñez, Mª Isabel Martínez Martín & Nuria Guilló Rodríguez

Keywords: Employment, Social Economy, disability management, quotas.

Econlit Keywords: A13, J14, J78, L31.

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SANTERO, R., CASTRO, B., MARTÍNEZ, I. & GUILLÓ, N. (2016): “Social Economy and disability. Enablers and obstacles in the integration of workers with disabilities in the Social Economy entities”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 29-59.

Do cooperatives have favorable contexts for gender equality?: Special reference to the province of Teruel

Authors: M. Luisa Esteban Salvador, Ana F. Gargallo Castel & Francisco Javier Pérez Sanz

Keywords: Cooperatives, employment, woman, conciliation, Spain, depopulation.

Econlit Keywords: M14, R12, J01.

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ESTEBAN, M.L., GARGALLO, A. & PÉREZ, F.J. (2016): “Do cooperatives have favorable contexts for gender equality?: Special reference to the province of Teruel”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 61-92.

Determinants of Corporate Failure: Effect of Social Projection of Cooperative Societies against Other Legal Forms

Authors: Cristina I. Masa Lorenzo, Javier Iturrioz del Campo & Sonia Martín López

Keywords: Contest creditors, cooperatives, insolvency, economic information financial, Model PLS.

Econlit Keywords: M41, P13, K29.

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MASA, C.I., ITURRIOZ, J. & MARTÍN, S. (2016): “Determinants of Corporate Failure: Effect of Social Projection of Cooperative Societies against Other Legal Forms”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 93-125.

Indicators of tax liability in foundations covered by Law 49/2002. Special reference to the National Law of Foundations

Authors: Esteban Palacios Ronda

Keywords: Foundation, Patrons, Tax Responsibility, Transparency, Indicators.

Econlit Keywords: L31, K34, H32.

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PALACIOS, E. (2016): “Indicators of tax liability in foundations covered by Law 49/2002. Special reference to the National Law of Foundations”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 127-164.

Social Innovation: fields, definitions and theoretical scope

Authors: José Hernández-Ascanio, Pilar Tirado-Valencia & Antonio Ariza-Montes

Keywords: Social innovation, economic theory, Sociological theory, Political theory, Social technologies.

Econlit Keywords: O35, O38, O31, Z1.

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HERNÁNDEZ-ASCANIO, J., TIRADO VALENCIA, P. & ARIZA-MONTES, A. (2016): “Social Innovation: fields, definitions and theoretical scope”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 165-199.

From social innovation to the solidarity-based economy: key practices for the development of public policies

Authors: Santiago Eizaguirre Anglada

Keywords: Social innovation, social and solidarity-based economy, local economic development, co-production of public policies, democratic governance.

Econlit Keywords: O35, B50, O31.

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EIZAGUIRRE, S. (2016): “From social innovation to the solidarity-based economy: key practices for the development of public policies”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 201-230.

Collaborative economy: a new market for the social economy

Authors: Rosalía Alfonso Sánchez

Keywords: Collaborative economy, Collaborative platforms, Platform capitalism, Platform cooperativism.

Econlit Keywords: K0, K20, K21, K24, L10, O33, P12, P13.

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ALFONSO, R. (2016): “Collaborative economy: a new market for the social economy”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 231-258.

Collaborative economy. An approach to sharing tourism in Spain

Authors: José Miguel Rodríguez-Antón, María del Mar Alonso-Almeida, Luis Rubio-Andrada & María Soledad Celemín Pedroche

Keywords: Collaborative economy, sharing tourism, tourism accommodation, news business models, European Union.

Econlit Keywords: O35, Z32.

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RODRÍGUEZ-ANTÓN, J.M., ALONSO-ALMEIDA, M.M., RUBIO-ANDRADA, l. & CELEMÍN PEDROCHE, M.S. (2016): “Collaborative economy. An approach to sharing tourism in Spain”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 88, 259-283.

La economía social en la literatura económica y en los hechos. 30 años del CIRIEC-España

Authors: José Luis Monzón Campos

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Texto íntegro de la Conferencia pronunciada el 19 de octubre de 2016 en el Paraninfo de la Universitat de València, con motivo del XXX Aniversario de la creación del CIRIEC-España