CIRIEC Nº 90 August 2017
Civil society organizations and social innovation. How and to what extent are they influencing social and political change?
Authors: Carolina Andion, Rubens Lima Moraes & Aghata Gonsalves
Keywords: Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil, Innovación social, Cambios Sociales y Políticos, Arenas Públicas, Brasil.
Econlit Keywords: B5, H4, O3, R5.
This study aims to understand how civil society organizations (CSOs) perform and influence public arenas. The focus of this paper is the transformative scope of social innovation initiatives promoted by CSOs in two public arenas in Brazil: the fight against electoral corruption and the protection of children and adolescents’ rights. The research consisted of three stages: 1) controversy mapping to understand the configuration of these public arenas and compare the trajectories of the public problems studied; 2) observation of the “field of experience” of some CSOs that perform in these arenas; and 3) analysis of “political grammars” produced in public arenas, connecting them to the performance of the CSOs analysed. The results reveal how social innovation emerges, develops and is disseminated in the public arenas studied and highlights the similarities and differences between the two cases, discussing the practices and role of CSOs in these processes. As conclusions, the study indicates that social innovation initiatives promoted by CSOs are influenced by and have an effect on the “political culture” in the public arenas. Additionally, this work states that the regime of CSOs’ engagement in the public sphere and their performance have consequences in terms of influence on social and political changes. In the cases studied, when CSOs go beyond the logic of coproduction of public services and engage in “public inquiry” processes, their capacity to inspire social transformation seems to be enhanced.
How to cite this article
ANDION, C., MORAES, R.L. & GONSALVES, A. (2017): “Civil society organizations and social innovation. How and to what extent are they influencing social and political change?”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 5-34.
Organisational structure and innovation in the Social Economy of Andalusia
Authors: Macarena Pérez-Suárez, Francisco Espasandín Bustelo & Isadora Sánchez-Torné
Keywords: Structural Archetypes, Strategic Innovation, Cooperatives, Cluster Analyses, Groups.
Econlit Keywords: M10, O31, P13.
How to cite this article
PÉREZ-SUÁREZ, M., ESPASANDÍN, F. & SÁNCHEZ-TORNÉ, I. (2017): “Organisational structure and innovation in the Social Economy of Andalusia”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 35-74.
Measuring the social and economic impact of public policies on entrepreneurship in Andalusia
Authors: José María Casado Ruiz, Enrique Bernal Jurado, Adoración Mozas Moral, Domingo Fernández Uclés & Miguel Medina Viruel
Keywords: Project evaluation, cost-benefit, public policy, social value, monetization, Andalucía Emprende, regional development
Econlit Keywords: O22, R11, R58, M14.
How to cite this article
CASADO, J.M., BERNAL, E., MOZAS, A., FERNÁNDEZ, D. & MEDINA, M. (2017): “Measuring the social and economic impact of public policies on entrepreneurship in Andalusia”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 75-102.
How can the competitiveness of agro-food cooperatives be improved?
Authors: Natalia Lajara-Camilleri & Ricardo Server-Izquierdo
Keywords: Agrifood cooperatives, competitiveness, education, innovation, internacionalization, market orientation, delphi.
Econlit Keywords: M10, Q13, M21.
How to cite this article
LAJARA-CAMILLERI, N. & SERVER-IZQUIERDO, R. (2017): “How can the competitiveness of agro-food cooperatives be improved?”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 103-121.
Methodological Proposal for Social Balance Evaluation in Social and Solidarity-Based Economy Associations
Authors: William Patricio Espín Maldonado, María Belén Bastidas Aráuz & Antonio Durán Pinos
Keywords: Social Balance, Social and Solidarity-based Economy, Indicators, Dimension, Association.
Econlit Keywords: A13, M14, M19, Z13.
How to cite this article
ESPÍN, W.P., BASTIDAS, M.B. & DURÁN, A. (2017): “Methodological Proposal for Social Balance Evaluation in Social and Solidarity-Based Economy Associations”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 123-157.
Local development through social and territorial innovation: an exploratory case study
Authors: Susana Bernardino & J. Freitas Santos
Keywords: Social innovation, social ventures, social entrepreneurship, endogenous development, regional resources and capabilities.
Econlit Keywords: L31, O35, R11.
This investigation aims to examine innovation in a selected successful Portuguese social venture (The Cooperative Terra Chã) and to analyse the extent to which innovative social ventures are able to contribute to local development. Specifically, the paper highlights the activities developed by the social organization in response to the needs of particular (micro) segments of society and illustrates which key factors triggered the success of the examined social initiative. A case study methodology is used to describe the distinctive characteristics and strategies pursued by the managers of the social venture and to establish the links between the opportunities for social innovation and the territory. The data collected for the study were triangulated from desk research and from in-depth semi-structured interviews conducted with privileged actors.The results show that social innovation is a viable strategy to revitalize the region’s socio-economic tissue, through the creation of new economic activities and consequently local employment that are based on the village’s traditional activities. This strategy seeks to achieve sustainable economic growth and well-being for the people of the region. However, to be successful, the strategy demands a deep knowledge of existing social problems as well as the availability of endogenous local resources and capabilities for use by social entrepreneurs. In this context, social innovation should be a participatory process, in which different entities and the beneficiaries of social programs were active players.
How to cite this article
BERNARDINO, S. & SANTOS, J.F. (2017): “Local development through social and territorial innovation: An exploratory case study”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 159-187.
The Economy for the Common Good at a Local Level
Authors: Rosario Gómez-Álvarez Díaz, Rafael Morales Sánchez & Carmen Rodríguez Morilla
Keywords: Economy for the Common Good, local development, local common good index, local common good balance sheet, social enterprises.
Econlit Keywords: A13, D63, O35, P1, P4, R11.
How to cite this article
GÓMEZ-ÁLVAREZ, R., MORALES, R. & RODRÍGUEZ, C. (2017): “The Economy for the Common Good at a Local Level”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 189-222.
«Democratic Goods» in the Economy for the Common Good: four ways for conceptual delimitation
Authors: Luis F. Campos Saavedra & Carmen Rodríguez Morilla
Keywords: Basic human needs, democratic goods, economic rights, urban commons.
Econlit Keywords: O35, P32, P46, P47, P48.
How to cite this article
CAMPOS SAAVEDRA, L.F. & RODRÍGUEZ MORILLA, C. (2017): “«Democratic Goods» in the Economy for the Common Good: four ways for conceptual delimitation”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 223-252.
Brakes and barriers of Corporate Volunteering
Authors: Pablo Gómez Santos & José Luis Fernández Fernández
Keywords: Corporate-sponsored volunteerism, employee volunteering, corporate volunteering
Econlit Keywords: M14, D64, L31.
The objective of this research is to study which are the determinants for the participation of employees in Corporate Volunteer actions -hereafter CV- that can become barriers and brakes, and which ones can mean negative consequences for the company. Ignorance of managers for these programs, about which are those brakes and its relevance, may be behind the low participation fees that companies have in their Corporate Volunteering Programs. For this purpose, we conducted a qualitative empirical study to define a model, based on the motivations and determinants of employee participation in corporate volunteer programs. The methodology that we use in order to advance the understanding of this field is common in the dynamics of so-called Discussion Groups or Focus Group (FG). We believe that this methodological approach fits well with the research question and objectives that guide us in this work, since it will allow the reconstruction of real social situations and to capture the interaction between different discourses. We trust the fact the model proposed really allows advance in knowledge of Corporate Volunteer field, as literature suggested, and we offer a conceptual framework to managers in order to develop CV programs that allows mitigating potential risks and increasing employee participation effectively.
How to cite this article
GÓMEZ, P. & FERNÁNDEZ, J.L. (2017): “Brakes and barriers of Corporate Volunteering”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 90, 253-290.