CIRIEC Nº 92 April 2018
Cooperatives and internationalization: An analysis of the 300 largest cooperatives in the world
Authors: Ignacio Bretos, Millán Díaz-Foncea & Carmen Marcuello
Keywords: Cooperatives, economic crisis, Social economy, employment, multinational company, globalization, internationalization, foreign market entry mode.
Econlit Keywords: F23, F44, E32, J21, P13, J54.
How to cite this article
BRETOS, I., DÍAZ-FONCEA, M. & MARCUELLO, C. (2018): “Cooperatives and internationalization: An analysis of the 300 largest cooperatives in the world”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 5-37.
The scarcity of worker cooperatives in the USA: enquiring into possible causes
Authors: Sofía Arana Landín
Keywords: Worker cooperatives, public policies, USA.
Econlit Keywords: K34, L32, L38, M14
Even though the access of workers to capital has been promoted in some countries for over centuries, Governments and public bodies have started to promote it worldwide, as in previous occasions, more particularly as an aftermath of the Great Recession, usually in the form of worker cooperatives. However, workers’ access to capital in the USA in the form of worker cooperatives is still surprisingly rare. We cannot find any recent public policies at a federal level in order to promote them and the old ones that exist remain mostly obsolete and unknown. Only at a state and local level, we find in the latest years a series of actions directed to achieve this goal, as in the case of New York City, where there is an important budget to promote the access of workers to capital more particularly after 2012 and, among others, worker cooperatives are being formed. The purpose of this paper is to enquire about the possible causes of the scarce number of worker cooperatives in the USA as the only way of offering solutions comes from understanding the causes.
How to cite this article
ARANA, S. (2018): “The scarcity of worker cooperatives in the USA: enquiring into possible causes”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 39-60.
Housing cooperatives on “assignment of use”: emerging experiences in Spain
Authors: Aitziber Etxezarreta, Gala Cano & Santiago Merino
Keywords: Housing, housing cooperatives, cooperatives of assignment of use, social economy, governance, social innovation.
Econlit Keywords: K25, O35, R3, Z0.
How to cite this article
ETXEZARRETA, A. & CANO, G. & MERINO, S. (2018): “Housing cooperatives on ‘assignment of use’: emerging experiences in Spain”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 61-86.
Strategic analysis of Ethical Banking in Spain through Triodos Bank. Financing social and environmental projects
Authors: Emilio Abad Segura & María del Carmen Valls Martínez
Keywords: Ethical Finance, Socially Responsible Investment, Social Bank, Strategic Plan, Triodos Bank.
Econlit Keywords: A13, G21, M14, M21, M30.
How to cite this article
ABAD, E. & VALLS, M.C. (2018): “Strategic analysis of Ethical Banking in Spain through Triodos Bank. Financing social and environmental projects”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 87-120.
The sectoral dimension of Colombian cooperativism through a Social Network Analysis
Authors: Miguel Ángel Alarcón Conde & Juan Fernando Álvarez
Keywords: Social Networks Analysis, System National Accounts, Cooperativism, Impact Evaluation, Sectoral Analysis, Public Policies, Colombia.
Econlit Keywords: C65, C67, E24, J54, P13.
How to cite this article
ALARCÓN, M.A. & ÁLVAREZ, J.F. (2018): “The sectoral dimension of Colombian cooperativism through a Social Network Analysis”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 121-154.
The identity of the social entreprise in Spain: analysis from four different socioeconomic realities
Authors: Marta Solórzano García, Carmen Guzmán Alfonso, Teresa Savall Morera & Esther Villajos Girona
Keywords: Social Enterprise, Social Economy, Third Sector of Social Action, Solidarity Economy, Social Entrepreneurship.
Econlit Keywords: L31, A13, J54, P51.
How to cite this article
SOLÓRZANO, M., GUZMÁN, C., SAVALL, T. & VILLAJOS, E. (2018): “The identity of the social entreprise in Spain: analysis from four different socioeconomic realities”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 155-182.
Survival of new social ventures. An approach based on qualitative comparative analysis fsQCA
Authors: Rafael Fernández Guerrero, Lorenzo Revuelto Taboada & Virginia Simón Moya
Keywords: Social entrepreneurship, business survival, entrepreneur characteristics, size, business plan, fsQCA.
Econlit Keywords: M13, L31, L25.
How to cite this article
FERNÁNDEZ-GUERRERO, R., REVUELTO-TABOADA, L. & SIMÓN-MOYA, V. (2018): “Survival of new social ventures. An approach based on qualitative comparative analysis fsQCA”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 183-221.
The local taxes revenues and economic crisis
Authors: Mª José Portillo Navarro
Keywords: Economic crisis, tax collection, local taxes, indicators, tax pressure.
Econlit Keywords: H20, H70, K34, M40.
How to cite this article
PORTILLO, M.J. (2018): “The local taxes revenues and economic crisis”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 253-278.
Social responsibility and welfare of elderly people
Authors: Lourdes Osorio Bayter, Francisco Salinas Ramos & Margot Cajigas Romero
Keywords: Older Adults, elderly, social welfare, social economy, social responsibility.
Econlit Keywords: J14, I31, P46, M14.
How to cite this article
OSORIO, L., SALINAS, F. & CAJIGAS, M. (2018): “Social responsibility and welfare of elderly people”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 92, 223-252.