CIRIEC Nº 98 March 2020
Social and Solidarity Economy and the need for its entrepreneuring ecosystem: current challenges in Brazil
Authors: Leandro Pereira Morais & Miguel Juan Bacic
Keywords: Solidarity entrepreneurial ecosystem, Social and solidarity economy, Solidarity Economy Enterprises, Co-evolution.
Econlit Keywords: O15.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.14138
This article´s purpose is to discuss the state of the art of the constitution of the entrepreneurial ecosystem for SSE and its application in Brazil. One of the major challenges for the creation, continuity and strengthening of Solidarity Economy Enterprises (SEE) is the effective establishment of an entrepreneurial ecosystem for Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). The construction of the solidary entrepreneurial ecosystem is a complex task, full of challenges, especially when this construction is associated to structural weaknesses inherent to its modus operandi. Case studies of several countries allow us to define general guidelines for the application of public policies that show paths in this direction. Considering this, we organized the article as follows: After the Introduction, we discuss some aspects of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, in topic 1. Then, topic 2 presents the idea of the “triple helix” and coevolution among the elements of the ecosystem and enterprises. Next, topic 3 addresses the construction of the entrepreneurial ecosystem for SSE in some countries in Europe and Asia. Finally, in item 4, some considerations about the Brazilian case.
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MORAIS, L.P. & BACIC, M.J. (2020): “Social and Solidarity Economy and the need for its entrepreneuring ecosystem: current challenges in Brazil”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 5-30. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.14138.
Role of the Social Economy and the University in order to a venture based on technological knowledge and values
Authors: Juan Francisco Juliá Igual, Elena Meliá Martí & Eduardo Miranda Ribera
Keywords: Social economy, entrepreneurship, University, knowledge, technological revolution.
Econlit Keywords: A20, I29, I35.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.15905
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JULIÁ, J.F., MELIÁ, E. & MIRANDA, E. (2020): “Role of the Social Economy and the University in order to a venture based on technological knowledge and values”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 31-57. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.15905.
Measures to boost and consolidate an ecosystem favourable to Social Economy in Galicia. The Eusumo Network
Authors: María Bastida, Ana Olveira Blanco & Teresa Savall Morera
Keywords: Social economy, public politcies, promotion of the social economy, ecosystem, Eusumo Network, Galicia.
Econlit Keywords: P43, J54, P16, P13.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.15872
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BASTIDA, M., OLVEIRA-BLANCO, A. & SAVALL-MORERA, T. (2020): “Measures to boost and consolidate an ecosystem favourable to Social Economy in Galicia. The Eusumo Network”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 59-94. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.15872.
Current challenges and prospective analysis of the Third Sector of Social Action (TSSA) in Spain
Authors: Vicente Marbán Gallego, Manuel Pérez Yruela & Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero
Keywords: Third Sector, Welfare State, NGO, social base, Social Policy, European Union, sustainability, financial crisis.
Econlit Keywords: L31, H53, Z13.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.15385
This paper analyses the current conditions and future challenges faced by the Third Sector of Social Action (TSSA) in Spain to consolidate itself as an institutional sphere of sustainable welfare and as a strategic actor in the development of social policies.
The empirical basis of this work has been obtained with the use of qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews, focus groups and the mixed method of Delphi. The use of these methods is aimed at interpreting TSSA leaders’ discourses, the collective voice of Non-governmental organisations (NGO) managers and representatives, and the opinions of experts on: the nature and past development of the sector.This research was carried out under the support of the Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2009-2014, in the framework of the Active Citizenship Programme (Eea Grants) and by the PECOTSAS Project of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (ref CSO2017-85486-P).
The text is structured as follows. First, we analyse the institutional nature of the TSSA and how it has combined powerful organisational growth with an adaptation to what we define as the European logic of the Third Sector (TS) in recent decades. Subsequently, we examine the current conditioning factors of the TSSA’s development in Spain including the impact of the 2008 economic crisis, financing capacity, modes of social action and relations with the State and the private sector companies. Finally, we assess the challenges faced by the TSSA in the coming years in terms of financial and institutional sustainability and its capacity to influence public policies. The results have been useful for the elaboration of the III Strategic Plan of the Third Sector of Social Action (2017-2021).
How to cite this article
MARBÁN, V., PÉREZ, M. & RODRÍGUEZ, G. (2020): “Current challenges and prospective analysis of the third sector of social action (TSSA) in Spain”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 95-126. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.15385.
Innovation applied to financing of enterprises of social economy. A case of impact investment
Authors: Nina Magomedova, Lluís Carreras Roig & Ramon Bastida-Vialcanet
Keywords: Impact investment, social and environmental impact, social enterprise, social finance, third sector.
Econlit Keywords: L31, G24, O35.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.13212
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MAGOMEDOVA, N., CARRERAS, LL. & BASTIDA-VIALCANET, R. (2020): “Innovation applied to financing of enterprises of social economy. A case of impact investment”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 127-151. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.13212.
Balanced scorecard for the management of social impact in inclusive employment organizations
Authors: Lina María Murillo Pérez
Keywords: Balanced Scorecard, social impact, project evaluation, inclusive employment, social enterprise, social balance, social performance.
Econlit Keywords: A13, L31, M14, O22.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.13368
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MURILLO, L.M. (2020): “Balanced scorecard for the management of social impact in inclusive employment organizations”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 153-188. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.13368.
Social and solidarity economy and agroecology in family agriculture cooperatives in Brazil as a form of development of sustainable agriculture
Authors: Fabio Schwab do Nascimento, Ángel Calle-Collado & Rocío Muñoz Benito
Keywords: Agroecology, Cooperatives, Brazil, Sustainable development, Social and Solidarity Economy.
Econlit Keywords: D64, D63, O13, Q13.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.14161
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SCHWAB, F., CALLE-COLLADO, A. & MUÑOZ, R. (2020): “Social and solidarity economy and agroecology in family agriculture cooperatives in Brazil as a form of development of sustainable agriculture”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 189-211. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.14161.
The sustainability of social change. Positive factors in the consolidation of enterprises recuperated by their workers in Argentina
Authors: Denise Kasparian & Julián Rebón
Keywords: Cooperative, Recuperated enterprise, Argentina, sustainability.
Econlit Keywords: O17, P47, Z13.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.13940
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KASPARIAN, D. & REBÓN, J. (2020): “The sustainability of social change. Positive factors in the consolidation of enterprises recuperated by their workers in Argentina”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 213-246. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.13940.
Work Integration Enterprises at the crossroads: An agenda to address the cruxes of accompanying and training processes
Authors: Fernando Marhuenda Fluixá, Natxo Martínez-Rueda, Igone Aróstegui Barandica & Javier Galarreta Lasa
Keywords: Employability, work integration social Enterprise, training, accompanying.
Econlit Keywords: I38, L31, M53, P31.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.16124
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MARHUENDA, F., MARTÍNEZ-RUEDA, N., ARÓSTEGUI, I. & GALARRETA, J. (2020): “Work Integration Enterprises at the crossroads: An agenda to address the cruxes of accompanying and training processes”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 247-285. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.16124.
Demographic supplement for motherhood within the framework of equality policies. Analysis of objectives, results and outcomes
Authors: Rafael Granell Pérez & Concha Salvador Cifre
Keywords: Social Security, pensions, gender gap, inequality.
Econlit Keywords: H89, H55, J16, J26.
DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.98.13570
How to cite this article
GRANELL, R. & SALVADOR, C. (2020): “Demographic supplement for motherhood within the framework of equality policies. Analysis of objectives, results and outcomes”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 98, 287-322. DOI: 107203/CIRIEC-E.98.13570.