CIRIEC Nº 70 April 2011

La privatización de las cajas de ahorros y el papel de la comisión de obra social

Authors: María Jesús Peñas Moyano

Keywords: Cajas de ahorros, bancos, transformación, fundaciones, comisión de obra social.

Econlit Keywords: G210, G340, M140.

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Royal Decree-Law 11/2010 of 9 July 2010 reformed the legal status of savings banks. It designed a new organizational model that is based largely on giving the savings banks the possibility of opting between conducting all their financial activities through a bank, controlled by them if they hold at least 50% of its capital, or in certain cases of becoming a special type of foundation and transferring their financial business to a bank. However, whichever business model the saving bank adopts it is always intended to continue its social work, which will sometimes be done through a new committee, called the social work committee (comisión de obra social). This committee, which seems destined to play a key role in maintaining the objectives of the savings banks, demonstrates the significance of this fundamental characteristic.

Desarrollo rural, economía social y turismo rural: un análisis de casos

Authors: David Flores Ruiz y María de la O Barroso González

Keywords: Desarrollo local, desarrollo rural, economía social, turismo rural.

Econlit Keywords: P130, O180, L830.

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This article reveals the importance of different social economy organization formulas in rural tourism. Given their characteristics, these contribute in large measure to the rural development of the districts where such initiatives are being undertaken. An analysis of cases highlights the importance, both quantitative and qualitative, of the social economy in the development of tourism in rural areas in the Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas and Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche nature parks in Andalusia (Spain).

Los ciudadanos ante la regulación europea de servicios públicos: una evaluación del caso español

Authors: Judith Clifton, Daniel Díaz-Fuentes, Marcos Fernández-Gutiérrez y Julio Revuelta

Keywords: Servicios públicos, regulación, ciudadanos, consumidores.

Econlit Keywords: D120, D180, L980.

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The ongoing financial crisis has exacerbated concerns about the need to redefine the role and characteristics of regulation. In the case of public services, deregulation was justified by the benefits that would accrue to consumers, though scant attention was paid to actual consumer experience in regulatory design. New European public services regulation policies argue that the citizens’ perspective should be considered, with the aim of improving the functioning of the markets whilst protecting the general interest. The decisions and attitudes of Spanish citizens regarding two public services, electricity and telecommunications, are analysed. The novelty of this article is to contrast revealed and declared preferences, a method which has not yet been used in analysing public service use. The results show when and how socio-economic variables affect service use and satisfaction and the conclusions indicate how the results could be used to formulate better policies to address issues of social inclusiveness.

Efectos de las intervenciones públicas en regeneración urbana: un modelo para evaluar su eficiencia

Authors: Roberto Cervelló Royo y Baldomero Segura García del Río

Keywords: Regeneración urbana, intervenciones públicas, beneficio social, bienes inmuebles, precios hedónicos.

Econlit Keywords: O180, R130, R000, C100, H410, D61.

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This paper analyzes the effects that urban regeneration programs, mainly financed with public funds, have on the real estate market in an intervention area. It studies the evolution of prices over time and proposes a hedonic price model which relates the investment in interventions to the observed market values. The results indicate that the values obtained by the hedonic price method are fairly representative of the values observed in the real estate market. Isolating the impact of the state interventions on the real estate values of their area of influence gives an estimate of the social benefit derived from the intervention, which can then be used to measure the efficiency of the public rehabilitation actions carried out in historic town centres.

Programas de Emancipación Económica y Economía Social: avances y dificultades del emprendizaje social en Brasil

Authors: Leandro Pereira Morais y Miguel Juan Bacic

Keywords: Economía Social, Emprendimientos Económicos Solidarios, Programas “Emancipatórios”, Brasil.

Econlit Keywords: E290, E690, M190.

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Several countries are experiencing growth in production activities and services organized on the basis of free association and the principles of cooperation and self-management. The expansion of this field of practice has led to programs and actions to promote them as a source of income. At the same time, a number of debates have arisen with regard to their causes and their efficacy as an alternative to unemployment. Based on an exploratory study carried out through a review of pertinent literature, this paper aims to contribute to the advancement of this discussion so as then to discuss the difficulties of the ’emancipation programs’ for those benefiting from the Brazilian government’s Bolsa Familia Conditional Cash Transfer programs, given the natural fragility of such enterprises and the fact that most of the beneficiaries of the programs do not possess the minimum requirements to become entrepreneurs.

Los microcréditos como herramienta de desarrollo: revisión teórica y propuesta piloto para el África Subsahariana

Authors: Francisco J. García Rodríguez y Yolanda Díaz Perdomo

Keywords: Microcrédito, emprendeduría social, pobreza, microfinanzas, microempresa.

Econlit Keywords: O170, L260, M130.

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This article provides an updated overview of the theoretical characteristics of microcredit and its historical evolution, functions, geographic distribution and future prospects in regard to major development in a growing number of countries. It also sets out a pilot project proposal to finance modest entrepreneurial initiatives by people trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty in one of the world’s poorest countries: Guinea Bissau. This proposal was designed to use a microfinance mechanism which already exists in the local communities, called the Bolsa do Popança, in order to produce the least possible impact on the local social ecosystem.

La participación de los trabajadores en la empresa. El caso de Irlanda

Authors: Juan Miguel Báez Melián

Keywords: Diálogo social, participación financiera, cooperación, autogestión.

Econlit Keywords: L290, J540, P130.

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The aim of this paper is to analyse the diverse forms workers have to take part in the management and ownership of the company of which they form a part. The analysis focuses on the Republic of Ireland from the late nineteen-eighties, when a policy of social partnership began to be put into practice in that country. The principal conclusions indicate that these participative forms do not go as deep as it might seem at first sight, nor do they always respond to a sincere intention to bring about organizational change on the part of the company management.

El mercado de trabajo y el sector cooperativo en Italia

Authors: Andrea Bernardi y Pasquale Tridico

Keywords: Mercado de trabajo, empresas cooperativas, organización, productividad, diferencia cooperativa, Italia.

Econlit Keywords: J540, B000, J010, P130, L200.

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This article describes the important role of the co-operative sector in the Italian labour market. It presents original data concerning the dimension of the co-operative sector, its structure and the productivity trend among co-operative firms. The difference between the employment and productivity trends of co-operative firms and the corresponding data for the Italian economy in general provides a good opportunity to maintain the usefulness of an institutional approach to studying the labour market and the organization of the economy. A brief review of the literature on the organization of work was conducted and some interpretations of the diversity of co-operative organisations are presented. In order to provide a better explanation of the performance of co-operative firms, non-mainstream models of the labour market were employed that refer to the institutional and legal diversity of co-operatives, to motivational factors and to the social capital endowment of the co-operative sector.

Los modelos de predicción del fracaso empresarial y su aplicabilidad en cooperativas agrarias

Authors: Alicia Mateos-Ronco, Mª del Mar Marín-Sánchez, Sergio Marí-Vidal y Elies Seguí-Mas

Keywords: Insolvencia, fracaso empresarial, cooperativas agrarias, modelos de predicción.

Econlit Keywords: P130, Q130, C220.

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The possibility of predicting financial distress or business failure from statistical models supplied with financial information on the company has been the subject of much research in recent decades. However, models that are geared towards predicting insolvency in cooperative societies, which present certain peculiarities compared to other forms of company, are practically non-existent, especially for Spain. This line of research analyzes the possibility of applying the different prediction models to farm cooperatives.