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Nº 56Economía Social y conceptos afines: fronteras borrosas y ambigüedades conceptuales del Tercer Sector

Authors: José Luis Monzón

Keywords: Economía Social, Sector No Lucrativo, Tercer Sector, contabilidad nacional, utilidad social, cooperativas, asociaciones, mutuas, fundaciones.

Econlit Keywords: P130, Q130, L310.

Nº 40Participación financiera de los trabajadores y creación de valor: una propuesta operativa de comportamiento con relación a los objetivos empresariales

Authors: Gustavo Lejarriaga Pérez de las Vacas

Keywords: Creación de valor, eficacia, participación financiera, control societario.

Econlit Keywords: J330, J540.

Nº 37Economía social y sector no lucrativo: Actualidad científica y perspectivas

Authors: Rafael Chaves Ávila y José Luis Monzón Campos

Keywords: Economía Social, Sector No Lucrativo, no lucratividad, utilidad e interés social, cooperativas, políticas públicas.

Nº 53La Responsabilidad Social de las Empresas, o un nuevo concepto de empresa

Authors: Marcos de Castro Sanz

Nº 53Hacia una política de fomento de la Responsabilidad Social de las Empresas

Authors: Juan José Barrera Cerezal

Nº 40La empresa de participación: características que la definen. Virtualidad y perspectivas en la sociedad de la información

Authors: Carlos García-Gutiérrez Fernández

Keywords: Democracia, economía social, empresa de participación, mercado.

Econlit Keywords: L290, M190, P130.

Nº 22Las empresas de participación de trabajo asociado: manifestaciones excelentes del microemprendimiento económico-financiero

Authors: Carlos García-Gutiérrez Fernández y Gustavo Raúl Lejarriaga Pérez de las Vacas

Nº 55Desarrollo territorial y economía social

Authors: Adoración Mozas Moral y Enrique Bernal Jurado

Keywords: Economía social, cooperativismo, desarrollo local y rural, territorio.

Econlit Keywords: P130, Q100, R000, R380, R580.

Nº 51El comercio justo: implicaciones económicas y solidarias

Authors: Antonio Socías Salvá y Natividad Doblas

Keywords: Comercio justo, economía solidaria, solidaridad, entidades no lucrativas, resultado.

Econlit Keywords: M410, D296, D630.

Nº 49Empresas cooperativas, ventaja competitiva y tecnologías de la información

Authors: Alfonso Vargas Sánchez

Keywords: Sociedad Cooperativa, Estrategia Competitiva, Ventaja Competitiva, Tecnologías de la Información

Econlit Keywords: L140, M100, O300

Nº 64Emprendimiento de la economía social y desarrollo local: la promoción de incubadoras de empresas de economía social en Andalucía

Authors: Jaime de Pablo Valenciano y Juan Uribe Toril

Keywords: Escuela de empresa, territorio, Andalucía, emprendedores, desarrollo local.

Econlit Keywords: R300, R580, L300.

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The aim of this paper is to present the programme of business schools in Andalusia from their creation to the present. We will also present an empirical study of the programme, taking 106 companies as a sample. Studying Business Schools helps us to analyse the phenomenon of business incubation from a territorial point of view and to state that the incubation period is decisive in the formation of certain companies that would not otherwise have become established, thus directly and indirectly generating employment. It can be seen that there is a greater degree of recognition in the market of companies that are hosted compared to those that are not.

Nº 48El gobierno democrático en las organizaciones cooperativas

Authors: Roger Spear

Keywords: Gobierno, cooperativas, socios, participación, dirección, democracia.

Econlit Keywords: J540, M190, P130.

Nº 66La economía social en las leyes

Authors: Gemma Fajardo García

Keywords: Economía social, economía solidaria, economía popular, tercer sector, legislación.

Econlit Keywords: P130, Q130, L310.

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The organizations representing actors in the social economy have been the first who, noting the characteristics they share and that make them different from more conventional companies, have claimed a formal recognition by the legislators, allowing hereinafter to make clear their contribution to economic and social development and thus justify public policies fitting to this fact. European institutions have expressed on several occasions demanding that States and the European Union include social economy in its legislation and policies, and that they establish a legal framework wherein a third sector of the economy is recognized. The recognition of the social economy or solidarity sectors and minimal regulation thereof in constitutional texts is an increasingly noticeable trend in European and Latin-American legislative systems. Their content varies according to the States, but in any case, the social economy is defined by its principles and values, present in certain organizations such as cooperatives, mutual societies, associations or foundations, and its representative organization is recognized, and its promotion is confirmed because of their contribution to general interest.

Nº 44El cooperativismo en la historia de la literatura económica

Authors: José Luis Monzón Campos

Keywords: Cooperativas, Economía Social, literatura económica, historia.

Econlit Keywords: J540, NO10, P130, Q130.

Nº 65La Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en un contexto de crisis. Repercusión en las Sociedades Cooperativas

Authors: Ricardo J. Server Izquierdo y Jordi Capó Vicedo

Keywords: Responsabilidad social, gestión integrada, economía social, estrategia empresarial, cooperativas.

Econlit Keywords: G300, M140, P130.

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Implementation of Social Responsibility (SR) Policies in the company management, whatever their legal form, is becoming increasingly more relevant largely due to a growing social demand.The aim of this study is to show that the implementation of these policies directed to the development of an

Nº 53Responsabilidad social: un valor añadido para las empresas, un criterio de discriminación positiva para los consumidores

Authors: Ana Isabel Ceballo Sierra

Nº 67Impacto económico de las cooperativas. La generación de empleo en las sociedades cooperativas y su relación con el PIB

Authors: Millán Díaz Foncea y Carmen Marcuello Servós

Keywords: Sociedades cooperativas, empleo cooperativo, Producto Interior Bruto, efecto refugio, efecto sustitución.

Econlit Keywords: E230, J230, P130.

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Cooperative societies are among the most dynamic components of the Social Economy. This article aims to verify whether this dynamism is also reflected in their relationship with macroeconomic variables like GDP. The initial hypothesis is that there is a substitution effect between the jobs created by the cooperative societies and the evolution of Spain’s GDP in the 1995-2008 period (quarterly data). The results do not permit confirmation of the apparent independence of the graphs for GDP and employment in cooperative firms. However, employment in cooperative firms was found to show greater strength and stability than the dynamics of total employment in the Spanish economy. These findings must be qualified by reference to various factors, including changes in GDP or the specific period for which the comparison was made.

Nº 60Economía social y dinámica innovadora en los sistemas territoriales de producción y de innovación. Especial referencia a los sistemas agroalimentarios

Authors: Juan Ramón Gallego Bono

Keywords: Cooperativas, sistemas agroalimentarios, innovación, proximidad organizada, capital social y capital relacional.

Econlit Keywords: O180, Q130, Q160, Q180.

Nº 33La economía social como enfoque metodológico, como objeto de estudio y como disciplina científica

Authors: Rafael Chaves

Keywords: Economía social, enfoque metodológico, disciplina científica, valores, teoría.

Nº 59La Dirección Estratégica en la Economía Social: utilización de herramientas de análisis estratégico en las Cooperativas

Authors: Joan Ramon Sanchis Palacio y Vanessa Campos Climent

Keywords: Economía Social, Cooperativas, Dirección Estratégica, Herramientas de análisis estratégico, Reflexión estratégica, Análisis DAFO, Análisis VRIO.

Econlit Keywords: P130, M100, M140, M190

Nº 76How cooperatives societies face economic crisis in Spain: a comparison of careers based on the Continuous Sample of Working Lives Database

Authors: Beatriz Calderón Milán & María José Calderón Milán

Keywords: Cooperatives societies, wages, Continuous Sample of Working Lives (database), careers, economic crisis.

Econlit Keywords: C810, J210, J310, J540

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Are cooperatives societies a more flexible form of organization for confronting recession and maintaining employment levels? Some research has shown that the impact of the crisis on unemployment seems weaker in cooperatives than in conventional companies: cooperative societies are better than others at maintaining job levels during periods of economic recession, as they adjust wages and working hours to the new situation and act as a refuge for some of the jobs that are destroyed in other companies. The aim of this research is to analyse the features of employment in cooperative societies that make them less sensitive to economic cycles, as well as a more stable source of employment. The main source of the data used is the Continuous Sample of Working Lives prepared by the Spanish Social Security in 2010 (MCVL2010). The analysis compares changes of employment in two groups of people, those working in cooperatives and in conventional companies. The situation of these two groups of people is compared in the periods before and during the economic crisis.

Nº 68Presentación del monográfico 'Las instituciones financieras de la economía social en la crisis financiera'

Authors: Ricardo J. Palomo Zurdo y Antonio Martín Mesa

Nº 57La gestión de la comunicación como elemento generador de transparencia en las organizaciones no lucrativas

Authors: José Mª Herranz de la Casa

Keywords: Comunicación, transparencia, confianza, reputación, ONG, organizaciones no lucrativas, tercer sector, corrupción.

Econlit Keywords: L300, L310, M140, M310, D730.

Nº 53La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) y su gestión integrada

Authors: Ricardo J. Server Izquierdo y Inmaculada Villalonga Grañana

Keywords: Responsabilidad social, economía social, memorias de sostenibilidad, balances sociales, indicadores sociales.

Econlit Keywords: G300, G380, G390, Q560.

Nº 93The social economy facing emerging economic concepts: social innovation, social responsibility, collaborative economy, social enterprises and solidary economy

Authors: Rafael Chaves Ávila & José Luis Monzón Campos

Keywords: Social Economy, Nonprofit sector, Solidarity economy, Collaborative Economy, Social enterprises, Social Innovation, Social responsibility, Scientific revolutions.

Econlit Keywords: L20, L31, B55, M14, O35, P13.

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How to cite this article

CHAVES, R. & MONZÓN, J.L. (2018): “The social economy facing emerging economic concepts: social innovation, social responsibility, collaborative economy, social enterprises and solidarity economy”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 93, 5-50, DOI: 10.7203/CIRIEC-E.93.12901